What is Software piracy ??


There are numerous reports that discuss the costs to the software industry of the piracy of software, but can the claims worth taking on faith? Statistics are notoriously biased towards what the author is trying to say.

Different types of software:

There is a basic type of software. However, each subsection is a separate subsection.

  • Commercial software bought with a license for one or more computers. It usually comes with some form of support and regular updates to patch errors etc. Sometimes a new version of software is sold at a discounted price by way of "update". This type of software can be quite expensive and often created for specific industrial uses. There are many sets of "office" software that can be used in different home tasks. But there is an exception. These software programs are designed to be used for commercial purposes. Text editing is by far the most well-known application within this category. Most "office" applications like calculation and data bases are not utilized at house. But, they could be helpful in certain instances in particular, particularly since more people are computer-savvy.
  • Simplified or "lite" versions of commercial software. These versions are intended for small businesses or enterprises which don't need the full capabilities of a 3D modeling software. But, they should be able to access relevant documentation and make compatible drawings. The "office" environment, which was long absent from this field, is now available. They will also be offered with either a single or multiple but limited licence and now typically, they are registered with the manufacturer.
  • Free or "open source" software. This software is intended for general distribution and does not have any restrictions as to use, except that it can't be altered in any manner. Naturally, this software comes with its limitations, however, it can be very useful for a variety of purposes. The majority of types of software are to be found within this category. One program is noteworthy because it allows users to download the software to view its documents without any cost, and charges to create the documents. This policy is arguably the motor behind its ride to becoming an industry norm, as you are guaranteed that the receiver will be able to decode what is being sent, without long discussions about compatibility and versions. It is evident that there cannot be any pirated products that fall into the third category. This excludes making changes to the code or reusing the code for another reason. However, this doesn't seem to be an important issue right now therefore we will concentrate our attention on the other two.

These categories include software which can be copied and shared for no cost or at a cost of a minimal amount. The full version of the software is preferred however, you can get simplified versions based on the version available.

Software Pirates:

Our software pirates fall in two categories of their own:

  1. Someone who is aware that they use software that was "borrowed" from their workplace or given to them by their friends who probably acquired it through the same source.
  2. People who make copies of software and then sell it at a discount via internet auctions or market stands. The customers could, in many cases, not be aware that the software was pirated, and be delighted to purchase a software package at a low cost. Although some might know the source of the software, others are still willing to save money by purchasing the software.

Composition of the Groups

So who is to be found in the two groups?

  1. This group is extremely wide diverse and includes school children, people practicing at home with the firm software, various private persons with an interest in computers, who are willing to try any free software and, perhaps, small companies. Schools often offer software licenses to students in order to aid them in their homework assignments and also to help them learn to utilize it in their technical classes. A student finishing in a technical college with no or no understanding of technical software used in their sector is unlikely to find work and therefore it is common for them to be blind at many schools to this kind of behavior. The schoolwork has to be written on computers these days however it is only possible if some form of text software is in place. The people who use software that is used by companies at home for play or for their children to complete homework are also a large group. Computers have become a normal feature of modern society. A lot of people are interested about the latest generation of numbers crunchers. While mainframe computers are expensive and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, the tiny computers that are part of a network are becoming more widespread. Professional software that used to require a connection to a mainframe and a sub-basement of equipment is now running on a home computer. Even though there could be a slowdown, it is not a major problem. They are aware that their actions are illegal and they aren't concerned about the consequences. They'd prefer to have the software purchased officially. The small number of companies that do this save money they probably do not have, even though they are conscious of the risks.
  2. The people who steal software and distribute it to sell as genuine are working simply for the sake of profit, taking advantage of the ease of the process and the high prices of legitimate software. The general public isn't aware of the consequences for this type of action and is often in doubt about recognising the genuine article. Software isn't an exception. There are similar products made by other makers, and they are available on the consumer market too. A lot of people are lulled into buying what they believe as a lesser product than the brand-named one.

Costs of software piratery

What are the actual costs to the software firms?

Students at schools or in college do not have enough money to buy the commercial software that they use in their technical subjects. Colleges and universities are not able to provide this software at no cost. Although most schools have software licenses that can be used on their campus, this software is not available to students at home. Though they are able to use school computers to do their work or practice but this is rarely possible due to a lack of resources or classrooms that are locked due to vandalism. Schools must distribute the software to students as a way to resolve the problem. It is not feasible to upgrade or even license the software. In general, even though it's illegal, this system works quite well. Schools frequently copy patches and upgrades for their students. The snag to the matter is that we teach people in that this is perfectly acceptable practice, despite the fact that it is illegal. It is absurd to insist on or even require that dropout students erase the program and cease using it. This could be due to the fact that they dropped out! For example this website is also doing that thing EWORA.

Low-Cost Software

A well-known company in the field of software has begun selling an uncomplicated version of its software as a student package. It states that this is not designed to be used for commercial purposes. Naturally, the software is distributed to everybody without regard to their true identity as a student! It is nevertheless a step towards the right direction. The availability of a cost-effective alternative is the first step in finding a solution to this issue. The quality is good and the product has all the features that are needed.

There are other companies that offer free software that students can use however, it is in most cases pitifully inadequate and simply not suitable for the job and has no training for commercial practices. It remains to be determined if the accessibility of software for students can affect sales of commercial software. One of the factors presumably driving this change is the perception that the software currently in use is sufficient and is able to be used for a length of time without needing to be replaced. Many software companies have resisted the idea of offering earlier versions of their software at reduced prices. This could result in sales of commercial software only being available on new systems , not to an upgrade of older systems.

The new wave of software for students might help fill the gap by generating additional revenue. If the concerns of others who believe that having an educational version at a reduced price will cut into their sales of the full commercial version will turn out to be accurate or the other view that these are complementary product lines will continue to be judged.

Benefits of using a student's computer:

It is a fact that anyone who has had training on one kind of software is likely to stay loyal to it, as long as the it is permitted by the company's policies and this is an obvious reason to purchase a type of software, hence the policy of the schools will not be publicly challenged or discussed. There is however no reason for forcing our children to engage in criminal activities! Providing a solution that allows individuals to use these apps in a legal manner during their training should be the top priority for all software houses that will bring some revenue in the short term, and possibly more in the longer term. The problem with the computer industry has been its focus on quick profits and results that are short-term. This mindset must change.

"Fun " Use:

The company cannot see the usage of the software at home as a threat to its profits. They'd simply be spending their time elsewhere in the evenings if they did not have this option! It becomes problematic when they begin producing work privately for other businesses. This is a concern for both the software producers and the companies that work within the same industry because they need to incorporate the costs of software into the pricing of their products.

Geographical Factors

The issue is also geographically different. Most of the software packages originate, at a minimum, on paper and are based in the United States. The costs in Europe are typically 1.5 to 2 times higher, without considering sales tax of any type that is usually higher in the majority of European countries. Although this might not matter for low-cost software, it is a significant difference when complex design or technical applications are taken into consideration. The cost difference is typically explained by more expensive support and translation costs. However, these factors can't be the only reason. The policy can be modified to limit the use of copies in commercial areas. Splitting software packages into easily-upgraded elements could also allow small businesses to buy what they need immediately and then upgrade the features over time , as and when needed.

Software Piracy:

Although software piracy is technically illegal however, it is widely accepted in the society. It has not been addressed to fight it, due to a number of reasons. It is almost common among computer users. A lot of people only require applications once per year, and they don't want to pay the often expensive cost of commercial licences. This is advertising for free and students are able to use it at free. Businesses have not made any real effort to stop this. It is only now, when the earning curve start to decline that this becomes threat to the existence of a company. It's actually simple to make something extremely difficult to duplicate. Computers make impossible seem impossible today.


Software piracy must be stopped. This is an act that needs to be dealt with. However, the goal is not to punish those who are guilty but to find solutions for everyone who would like to utilize the software. If the product is accurate there is a solution to be found to solve this problem.

Simon Fowler graduated in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently a flue gas analyst sales technician. He currently works for Madura Electronics in Vienna, Austria.
